Conversion Optimization


Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of increasing the percentage of prospects or leads that convert
into customers or take a desired action, both online and offline.

At Rafiki, we believe every touch point in the customer journey should be delightful. We focus on
effectively optimizing the conversion process through the following services :

Customer Journey Mapping


Creating a customer journey map helps us visually tell the story of a customer’s experience with your brand. Rafiki maps
out and works to optimize every step in your customer’s journey, from initial engagement to the customer service they
receive from your business. Utilizing the power of data and research, we recommend and help implement strategies to
enhance your customer’s overall experience with your brand.



Rafiki crafts subtle and well-targeted re-marketing campaigns to both convert prospective leads into customers
as well as to effectively re-engage with your brand’s current customer base. Our remarketing expertise spans
across Google, Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn.

User visits your website

User is

User joins audience

User browses
the web

User sees Ad

Website Analytics & Reporting


Rafiki analyzes and reports on website analytics to drive smart marketing decisions. We utilize the power of Google
Analytics, and related applications such as Full Story to collect and examine valuable website data. Evaluating
acquisition channels, on-site behavior and website actions taken, is essential to improve your customer’s online
experience and guide their path to conversion. We create easy to digest weekly, bi-weekly and monthly reports
across each of the services we offer that focus on metrics that matter to your brand.

Who is your audience?
How did you acquire them?
How did they behave?
What actions did they take?

Split A/B Testing


Rafiki believes leveraging data and implementing tests is the best way to drive effective marketing decisions. We
consistently conduct A/B testing for the following mediums to gather insight into which approach is resonating
best with your brand’s target audience.

Website &
Landing Pages
Ad copy

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